On this website, you will find the BCRA's application programming interfaces (APIs).

This interface aims at displaying the information published by the BCRA clearly and accurately for integration with IT systems. Through these APIs, developers will be able to create programs or automate routine analytical tasks.

On the contrary, if you are looking for data tailored for public understanding, click on the following links:

Why Should You Use Our APIs?

Ease of integration: the APIs are designed to be easily integrated into a variety of existing platforms and systems. They can be used to develop websites and business applications and systems, among other services.

Scalability and flexibility: they have a flexible and scalable architecture that adapts to system changes.

Power and performance: they allow for quick responses at all times. The APIs offer reliable and consistent performance since they are designed to process myriads of data and support thousands of users simultaneously.

During 2024, the BCRA will continue to expand services, easing the integration and creation of powerful and scalable applications.

BCRA means the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic. The BCRA offers neither banking nor financial services to the general public.

Supported browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox 47.0.1, Safari or IE 9+ (for Windows 10).

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