A | Financial Institutions Supervision Senior Management Office

To exert comprehensive control of financial institutions and oversee their compliance with applicable regulations, except for such cases in which supervision has been expressly assigned to other areas within the Superintendence of Financial and Foreign Exchange Institutions (SEFyC).

Claudia Stachuk | Senior Manager

Claudia Stachuk is a Certified Public Accountant who graduated from Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).

She joined the BCRA as an Assistant at the Financial Institutions Supervision Management Office in 1994. Since then, she has held different senior positions as Deputy Inspector, Senior Inspector, General Inspector, and Supervision Manager. Before joining the BCRA, she worked in the private sector.

She specialized in different activities on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the role of development banks, Pillar II requirements and supervisory practices, Basel III, systemic risk, and bank supervision, which were conducted by the Association of Supervisors of Banks of the Americas (ASBA). She joined the BCRA’s Comprehensive Training Program on Supervision (PICS) first as an attendee and now as an instructor, actively participating in its development. She was part of the teaching staff of the seminar on the assessment of internal control with a risk-based supervision approach given by the ASBA in Uruguay, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Ecuador. She was also an instructor of the training program of the Association of Public and Private Banks of the Argentine Republic (Asociación de Bancos Públicos y Privados de la República Argentina, ABAPPRA) run in Formosa, Chubut, Córdoba, Santa Fe, and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

Fotografía de Claudia Stachuk