The President of the BCRA, Miguel Pesce, and the President of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, CONICET), Ana María Franchi, have signed an agreement to make invitations to submit new targeted research projects (proyectos de investigación orientada, PIOs), and to identify, manage and finance them. Isabel Mac Donald, President of INNOVA-T Foundation, has also signed the agreement, which extends the terms of that signed in 2021. The latter turned out to be a successful experience of scientific cooperation to select and finance projects—currently underway—on topics related to the purpose and functions of the BCRA.
On the signing ceremony at the BCRA, Pesce underlined the role of the monetary authority in promoting academic activities. “This agreement is part of the BCRA’s strategy to support the academic field and promote scientific development, which includes the Prebisch Award, the Money and Banking Conference, and the Ensayos Económicos (Economic Essays) journal,” he pointed out. “The first agreement brought about positive results and we expect this one will be so fruitful,” he added.
In turn, Franchi highlighted the importance of signing this second agreement and said: “It aims at financing research works on specific branches of economics that have not been subject of study and that are of interest to the BCRA and, naturally, to Argentina.” She also underscored the researchers’ interest in working on these lines of research and projects.
The Economic Research Works Senior Manager of the BCRA, Ariel Dvoskin, was also present.
Targeted Research Projects
As it was set out in the previous agreement, research projects will last two years and will be targeted towards fields and lines of research related to the purpose and functions of the BCRA.
In the first stage researchers will be invited to submit ideas/projects. The terms and conditions for submitting projects will be posted soon. The next stage will involve the final submission of projects.
An ad hoc commission made up of members nominated by the BCRA and the CONICET—with federal representation and gender equality— will be responsible for analyzing the projects submitted and monitoring their development.
The results of the research projects will be published in the Ensayos Económicos journal of the BCRA, and in other journals of scientific interest.
February 16, 2023