More than 1,100 artists from all over the country took part in the 2021 Central Bank Painting Award.
The jury, composed of Virginia Agote, Pilar Altilio, Melina Berkenwald, Eduardo Médici, and Sebastián Vidal Mackinson, selected 39 works as semifinalists among the 3,521 works submitted.
Curator Rodrigo Alonso will be in charge of this edition.
Full Name | Title of the Work |
Arnaiz, Carlos | Sin Título (Untitled) |
Astica, Juan | T20013 |
Aybar, Rosa Evangelina | Criando gatos (Breeding Cats) |
Barderi, Julieta | El estanque (The Pond) |
Becú, Juan | El ojo sensible, de la serie Genomanías (The Sensitive Eye, from the Genomanías Series) |
Burba, Luciano | Sin Título (Untitled) |
Canevari, Marcelo | Temporada de caza (Hunting Season) |
Cima, Carlos | Flores como espinas (Flowers as Spines) |
Daiez, Marina | Cuidando mis emociones próximas (Taking Care of my Coming Emotions) |
Delfino, Lucia | Flores para tapar un hueco (Flowers to Plug a Hole) |
Di Girolamo, Martín | GEO# 9 |
Di Toro, Verónica | Serie cuadrículas Nº34 (Grids Series No. 34) |
Dufour, Alfredo | 1999 |
Florido, Victor | Habitaciones contiguas N°2 (Adjoining Rooms No. 2) |
Fuchs, Ana | Telepatía (Telepathy) |
Gil, Maria Luz | Serie construir y habitar III (III Building and Inhabiting Series) |
Grunauer, Carla | Josu |
Hendreich, María Emilia | Autorretrato (Self-portrait) |
Jitrik, Magdalena | El Acuerdo (The Agreement) |
Marqués, Rodolfo Santiago | El puente de Gálvez en la noche de la tercera invasión inglesa (The Galvéz Bridge in the Night of the Third British Invasion) |
Medina, Julián | Desde el bar (From the Bar) |
Minovich, Sasha | Atardecer en campos de zona oeste (Sunset in Western Fields) |
Moyano, Carmen del Valle | Con ojos de pájaro (With Bird’s Eyes) |
Murillo, Edgardo | Un arquitecto ve una ventana como fuente de luz. Un obrero ve una ventana como una salida. (An Architect Sees a Window as a Source of Light. A Worker Sees a Window as an Exit.) |
Nakatsuka, Alicia Carolina | S/T de la serie Impenetrable (Untitled from the Impenetrable Series) |
Occhi, Horacio Agustín | Fábrica de colores (Factory of Colors) |
Otegui, Paula | ¿Qué hay del archivo? (What about the File?) |
Passolini, Alberto | Camafeo del duelo entre Rosas y un Unicornio (Mourning Cameo between Roses and a Unicorn) |
Perrotta, Diego | El obrero atado y su oscuro padecimiento (The Tied Worker and his Obscure Suffering) |
Pietro, Betina | No me olvides (Do Not Forget Me) |
Poggio, Santiago | Sin Título (215-214-216) (Untitled (215-214-216)) |
Pontón, Nicolás | Iluminar una escena oscura (Light up a Dark Scene) |
Sánchez Fantino, Horacio | Mapa de bares 2021 (2021 Map of Bars) |
Schamber, Mercedes | Los días se ocuparon de otras cosas (The Days Focused on Other Things) |
Sirai, Agustín | Las vistas de Methfessel (The Sights of Methfessel) |
Szigety, Inés | Círculo de análogos (Circle of Analogous Things) |
Traverso, Maria Candelaria | Códigofagia (Codephagocytosis) |
Vita, Mariela | El elemento del que te hablé (The Element I Told You about) |
El Premio Nacional de Pintura Banco Central promueve el arte contemporáneo argentino y acerca el trabajo de los artistas a la comunidad. Esta iniciativa del Banco Central consolidó una pinacoteca de más de 100 obras que integran la Colección BCRA con originales de Clorindo Testa, Carlos Alonso, León Ferrari, Gyula Kosice, Julio Le Parc, Liliana Porter, Alejandro Puente, Luis Felipe Noé, Marcia Schvartz, Luis Tomasello, Margarita Paksa y Josefina Robirosa, entre otras personalidades. Estas obras son patrimonio de todas y todos los argentinos y representan el entramado de cultura e identidad del país.
The Central Bank National Painting Award promotes Argentine contemporary art and brings the work of artists closer to the community. With this initiative, the BCRA has acquired more than 100 works for the BCRA Collection, which includes original works by Clorindo Testa, Carlos Alonso, León Ferrari, Gyula Kosice, Julio Le Parc, Liliana Porter, Alejandro Puente, Luis Felipe Noé, Marcia Schvartz, Luis Tomasello, Margarita Paksa, and Josefina Robirosa, among other artists. This collection, which is part of Argentina's artistic heritage, stands for our culture and identity.
October 4, 2021..