The BCRA Has Announced the Winning Papers of the “Dr. Raúl Prebisch” Economic Research Award

The BCRA has announced the winning papers of the 2022 edition of the “Dr. Raúl Prebisch” Economic Research Annual Award, which is given in honor of one of the most outstanding economists in Argentine history and seeks to encourage research on monetary, macroeconomic, financial and banking issues.

The first prize in the PhD Thesis in Economics category was awarded to Lorenzo Cassini for his paper “Desindustrialización y exportaciones de servicios como motor autónomo del crecimiento en el siglo XXI” (Deindustrialization and Service Exports as an Autonomous Driver of Growth in the 21st Century). Pablo Javier Mira obtained an Honorable Distinction for his paper “Consumo y fluctuaciones: ¿Qué Rol para la Economía de la conducta?” (Consumption and Fluctuations: What Is the Role for Behavioral Economics?).

In the Young Professionals category, the first prize was shared by Daniel Ricchione for his paper “Del Stop & Go al Stop & Crush: Un análisis de la restricción externa argentina en el periodo 2011-2019” (From Stop & Go to Stop & Crush: An analysis of Argentina's Foreign Restriction in the 2011-2019 Period), and Tomas Marinozzi for his paper “Forecasting Inflation in Argentina. A Probabilistic Approach.” The second prize of this category was awarded to Darío Gabriel Agüero for his paper “Incidencia de la variación del tipo de cambio en los retornos bursátiles en América Latina (2004-2018)” (Impact of the Changes in the Foreign Exchange Rate on Stock Market Returns in Latin America (2004-2018)).

In the University Students category, the first prize was awarded to Agustin Cucchiaro for his paper “América Latina en el Ciclo Financiero Global: ¿Vulnerabilidad o Resiliencia? Un análisis del caso argentino” (Latin America in the Global Financial Cycle: Vulnerability or Resilience? An Analysis of the Argentine Case). The second prize was shared by Fermín Marconi for his paper “El costo social de la crisis. Nueva evidencia para América Latina usando regresiones de panel” (The Social Cost of the Crisis. New Evidence for Latin America Using Panel Regressions), and Antonio Marrazzo for his paper “Una aproximación al Riesgo Cambiario Argentino: Parametrización y Teoría de Valores Extremos” (An Approach to Argentine Foreign Exchange Risk: Parameterization and Extreme Value Theory).

The jury consisted of Sergio Woyecheszen (Vice President of the BCRA); Jorge Carrera (Member of the Board of the BCRA); Arnaldo Bocco (Advisor to the Board of the BCRA); Florencia Sember (Argentine Scientific and Technical Research Council, (CONICET); Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA); Interdisciplinary Institute of Political Economy of Buenos Aires (IIEP - BAIRES)); and Soledad Villafañe (Buenos Aires Office, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)). The BCRA will consider awarded papers for publication in the journal called Ensayos Económicos (Economic Essays).

Awards Summary by Category:

Annual Award for PhD Thesis in Economics completed in Argentina

Paper: Desindustrialización y exportaciones de servicios como motor autónomo del crecimiento en el siglo XXI (Deindustrialization and Service Exports as an Autonomous Driver of Growth in the 21st Century). Author: Lorenzo Cassini / Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ). Author’s pseudonym: TD_ 251.

Honorable Distinction

Paper: Consumo y fluctuaciones: ¿Qué Rol para la Economía de la conducta? (Consumption and Fluctuations: What Is the Role for Behavioral Economics?). Author: Pablo Javier Mira / Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Author’s pseudonym: TD_ 256.

Annual Award for Young Professionals

First Prize

Winner 1. Paper: Del Stop & Go al Stop & Crush: Un análisis de la restricción externa argentina en el periodo 2011-2019 (From Stop & Go to Stop & Crush: An analysis of Argentina's Foreign Restriction in the 2011-2019 Period). Author: Jordán Daniel Ricchione / Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Author’s pseudonym: Scaloneta.

Winner 2. Paper: Forecasting Inflation in Argentina. A Probabilistic Approach. Author: Tomas Marinozzi / Universidad del CEMA (UCEMA). Author’s pseudonym: Pablo Picasso.

Second Prize:

Paper: Incidencia de la variación del tipo de cambio en los retornos bursátiles en América Latina (2004-2018) (Impact of the Changes in the Foreign Exchange Rate on Stock Market Returns in Latin America 2004-2018). Author: Darío Gabriel Agüero / Universidad de San Andrés (UDESA). Author’s pseudonym: Malloy.

Annual Award for University Students

First Prize:

Paper: América Latina en el Ciclo Financiero Global: ¿Vulnerabilidad o Resiliencia? Un análisis del caso argentino (Latin America in the Global Financial Cycle: Vulnerability or Resilience? An Analysis of the Argentine Case). Author: Agustin Cucchiaro / Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Author’s pseudonym: Nash.

Second Prize:

Winner 1. Paper: El costo social de la crisis. Nueva evidencia para América Latina usando regresiones de panel (The Social Cost of the Crisis. New Evidence for Latin America Using Panel Regressions). Author: Fermín Marconi / Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Author’s pseudonym: Sandor Krasna.

Winner 2. Paper: Una aproximación al Riesgo Cambiario Argentino: Parametrización y Teoría de Valores Extremos (An Approach to Argentine Foreign Exchange Risk: Parameterization and Extreme Value Theory). Author: Antonio Marrazzo / Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Author’s pseudonym: Tony.

November 15, 2022

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